Student attendance is a priority at Cerritos!
Our Wildcats need to be in school in order to learn and grow academically.
Reporting Absences
Parents are required to provide an absence excuse when a child has been absent from school.
When your child returns to school after being absent, he/she should bring a note with the following information: date(s) of absence(s), reason student was absent and note must be signed by parent or guardian.
Parent or guardian may also contact the front office at (818) 244-7207.
According to state law, the only excused absences are for illness, medical treatment, bereavement, and some legal commitments. Family vacations, religious holidays/commitments, or “personal business” are NOT considered excused.
Frequent absences negatively impact learning.
Consistent, on-time attendance is a priority at Cerritos School and considered a parent's responsibility. Students who arrive late (8:10 M, W, Th, Fr. or 9:10 Tues.) must obtain a tardy slip from the school office prior to entering the classroom.
Excessive tardies negatively impact learning. Student tardies are recorded on the attendance register and report card. If tardies become a serious disruption, the school administration and/or the District Office of Student Support Services will contact parents to discuss the matter.