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Bell Schedule

Regular Day Bell Schedule

8:00 Students line up
8:10 Instruction begins
9:00 Wednesday - Students line up
9:10 Wednesday - Instruction begins
11:05 - 11:45 Lunch - TK
11:20 - 12:00 Lunch - Kindergarten  
11:40 - 12:20 Lunch - Grades 1 and 2
12:00 -12:40  Lunch - Grades 3 and 4
12:20 - 1:00 Lunch - Grades 5 and 6
1:09 Dismissal – TK
1:19 Dismissal – Kindergarten
2:20 Dismissal - Grades 1-3
2:40 Dismissal - Grades 4-6


Minimum Day Release Times

11:58 TK
11:57 Kindergarten
12:19 Grades 1-3
12:39 Grades 4-6


Banking Days

One day a week (Wednesdays), additional instructional minutes are “banked” to create a common planning time for staff. Students arrive at school one hour later, at 9:10 am, on Wednesdays. Instructional minutes remain the same, according to California State mandates. During this hour the staff is involved in faculty meetings, professional development, as well as grade level and other staff meetings.